Aldridge Ministries

"We are all children of the same universe"

Life Is


Freedom is the most important thing to everyone. Every living thing fights for its freedom - freedom to shape its own destiny, freedom of movement, freedom to fulfill its dreams and ambitions so long as that pursuit does not infringe on the rights and freedoms of others. Some would say endows us all with this inalienable right. Others posit that it defies the natural order for any human our Creator to have dominion over another. Regardless of its theological or philosophical underpinnings, the belief in freedom has bome up countless struggles for good and justice throughout the ages. Such freedom is a core tenet of the Universal Life Church Monastery, an end to which we advocate. tirelessly


Without food there can be no freedom, only a desperate fight for survival. Thus food is key and fundamental to prosperity and happiness for all humankind. There is enough soil, water, and sunlight on this planet that under responsible stewardship, no mouth should go unfed, and no thirst unquenched. We dedicate ourselves to the task of alleviating hunger and malnourishment throughout the world. When people see beyond the immediacy of day-to-day survival, great thoughts, ideas and futures can flourish.
"Heaven is when you have it. Hell is when you don't have it."

"We are all children of the same universe"